Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Revised Project Proposal

Katherine and Jen, thank you for your questions and suggestions. They were on point and helped me to focus on some 'squishy' parts of my project proposal.

A personal trainer would lead the Skype-based workout sessions. The times and days would be set and would be structured.
On the other hand, members of communities could arrange to have their own interaction via skype. These would be more free-wheeling and spontaneous.

would be different from other commercial sites because its primary goal would not be to sell something. Its objective would be to build communities of women based on exercising and developing healthier lifestyles and to connect on other levels as well.

Cybersweat would reach the next level of multimedia by connecting with Nintendo Wii Fit and potential mobile applications. (Good idea, Katherine.)

As Jen pointed out, there are a lot of different ideas and claims about nutrition and exercise. We would have professional nutritionists and trainers who would sift through all the garbage and select sites that offer solid advice based on scientific evidence. This could be done by two or three people and would be paid positions.

The site could be paid for by a nominal registration fee and/or selected advertising. If it's run as a non-profit we would try to keep overhead costs low and rely more on volunteers. Incentives would include creating communities, promoting healthier lives, and raising money for worthy causes.

The target audience would remain active, socially responsible women of all ages. There would be tiered communities. The main page would appeal to the entire group. Sub-categories would be tailored to meet the specific interests of each age group (as outlined above).

I would sign-up for Cybersweat. I've presented the idea to a few savvy women of various ages who said they'd participate.

I'd like to get some more input. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Bonnie,

    I really like the changes you made. I think the site is a great idea, especially with the focus of this country moving toward fitness. I dont see why adults cant focus on something that children are focusing on! I like how you've made working out more simple for women.

